Websites compete for attention and placement in the search engines, and those with the knowledge and experience to improve their website’s ranking will receive the benefits of increased traffic and visibility.
We take SEO off your to-do list so you can focus on growing your business. You will then be converting on the targeted traffic and enquires created by having a higher search ranking.
We get your site ranked high quickly by building quality Backlinks.
As a business owner, you will know that outsourcing is crucial for growth. The prospect of getting your Google ranking to Page 1 can be overwhelming.
Its time to turn the tables on SEO and use it to grow your brand without you stressing about it.
We get SEO done for you, every single month for a very reasonable price. No Contracts, No Commitments.
Establishing and maintaining an online presence for your business can be challenging, particularly when you lack the patience, time and experience to make it happen.
We offer a full SEO Keyword Optimization and Backlinking service to help busy business owners like you maintain a solid presence on online.
When your prospective customers go looking for a business such as yours, you need to have a presence. If your Google ranking is Page 1, you will be ahead of most all your competitors.

Your prospective customers search Keywords on Google to find information about a business such as yours. If you have a high search ranking for as many Keywords as possible, your business will be at its maximum potential from a marketing perspective.
We look at this in a very simple way and provide a very simple solution which involves the use of Backlinks to increase the profile of your site.

Backlinks are links that are directed towards your Website. The number of Backlinks is an indication of the popularity or importance of your Website. Backlinks are important for SEO because Google gives more credit to Websites that have more quality Backlinks, considering those Websites more relevant than others. Sites with higher quality Backlinks will quickly be ranked higher than sites with Backlinks not related to the site.

Google considers your site content when determining the quality of a link. When Backlinks to your site come from other sites and those sites have content related to your site these Backlinks are considered more relevant to your site. If Backlinks are found on sites with unrelated content, they are considered less relevant. The higher the relevance of Backlinks, the greater their quality. We are experts in this area and we stop at nothing to give you the most relevant Backlinks to send your site to Google Page 1.
What happens when you become our client?
We treat you like Family as soon as you make contact with us and explain things in simple terms…
Look at it like this, your prospective customers search Keywords on Google to find information about a business such as yours. If you have a high search ranking for as many Keywords as possible, your business will be at its maximum potential from a marketing perspective. This is what we aim to do for your business.
For just $99 per month, we can provide 30 NEW PR9 High PR SEO Backlinks for your site. This includes Fresh links each month, with New Keyword Phrases and Content.

What in the hell are Backlinks and how will this help?
Backlinks are links that are directed towards your Website. The number of Backlinks is an indication of the popularity or importance of your Website. Backlinks are important for SEO because Google gives more credit to Websites that have a good number of quality Backlinks, considering those Websites more relevant than others.
When Google calculates the relevance of a site to a Keyword, they consider the number of quality Backlinks to that site. So you should not be satisfied with just getting Backlinks to your site! It is the quality of the Backlink that matters.
Google considers your site content when determining the quality of a link. When Backlinks to your site come from other sites and those sites have content related to your site these Backlinks are considered more relevant to your site. If Backlinks are found on sites with unrelated content, they are considered less relevant. The higher the relevance of Backlinks, the greater their quality.
What you get when you hire us?
We only provide quality Backlinks through our extensive network of sites that relate to your site. This is also crucial because if you get unqualified traffic to your site, the browser won’t want to be there on your site in the first place. Our PR9 Backlinks exist on our extensive network of high profile sites, links are created within your specific niche that link straight through to your site, increasing your traffic and Google ranking at the same time. More traffic and a higher ranking, this is what you need!
All this for $99, that is one month’s work dedicated to skyrocketing your google ranking and keeping it as high as possible. Use our service and you have an 83% chance of having your site on Page 1 and keeping it there. You may only need 1 month to get your site on Page 1 permanently. That said, you may need multiple months to spin and flip the content and keywords required to keep your site up there in a competitive niche. We are focused on you and your ranking, you can be assured of this.
You will be billed once a month but there is No Contract, No Memberships and No Commitments to continue with our services. Cancel at any time.

Get started now!
Go to our Order Page
Purchase your First Months service.
It is easy!
Fill in the order form with the following information:
1.The URL
We need your URL. It can be any type of link. Copy and paste to avoid typos.
2.Six or more Keywords
We need your Keywords or Keyword phrases that you want to rank on Google, We recommend using 6 long (3+ word) Keyword phrases to keep it natural and Penguin Update friendly.
3.Short Article
Google loves content, that’s why we strongly recommend writing something simple about you or your Website/niche. Make sure its unique, don’t copy it from your Website. 50words is enough but it can be more if you like… If the quality of the article is not perfect that is ok but it needs to be a unique article.
Can’t be bothered doing the article?
No problem, we can do this Free of Charge by changing an article we have in your niche.
Can’t be bothered providing 6 Keyword phrases?
No problem, we can do this Free of Charge by changing some phrases we have in your niche.
However, we do recommend that you provide some input for 2.& 3. so we can get content created that is laser targeted to your sites niche.
Check the Sample page then go straight to our Order and Purchase Page.
You can enter the required info on the Purchase Page. It’s easy.

Repeat Customers
Get your music going viral
Buy Instagram followers
Get twitter followers
Cheapest SoundCloud plays
Get quick SoundCloud plays
Get exposure on youtube with plays
Play my SoundCloud track
It takes a very long time to get exposure on social media particularly getting SoundCloud plays, YouTube plays, Twitter followers and Instagram followers. If you need a service to kick start your new music releases this is the best and fastest service on the web.
When an unknown artist releases a new record, the launch of this track is crucial. If browsers notice a lot of views and plays very close to the release, this may be the kick start the music needs to go Viral. If you want your music to go viral you will need to buy SoundCloud plays, YouTube views and Instagram followers. We process orders for music plays as soon as they are placed and the results are instant. Larger orders will take slightly longer but our service will provide new music artists the start they need and deserve. Get your music going viral, pay a very small about of money to get your tracks where they deserve to be.

We Get your Site Ranked Higher and Generating Targeted Traffic
For just $99 per month we provide 30 PR9
Backlinks for your site. This includes Fresh
links each month, with New Keyword Phrases &
New Content Every Month
We also help out the the best possible Keywords for
your Niche after we receive your Input